I can't say I'm much familiar with Whistler Brewing Company, but I still took a chance on checking out a six pack of their 'Classic Pale Ale.' You know, for you, the reader!
The verdict? Not a bad little ale from the Canadian brewers. I'm not necessarily crazily in love with pales, but this one certainly was refreshing enough, and one that I could see being part of the summer rotation.
The color has a nice vibrant copper hue to it, and about a finger of head. It laces the glass well. There's a just a hint of caramel to the nose that carries over into the flavor. In fact, that's about the depth of the flavor, a slight sweetness with a bit of maltiness to it.
In other words, this might not be an exciting beer, but it is very drinkable all the same. The crispness of it does definitely suggest this could be a good session beer when the weather gets warmer.
Bonus points, too, for the classiness of the bottle!