Waddell's for wings


Waddell's for wings cover

Waddell's is definitely a good stop for beer, but how about for wings? Surprisingly good, as it seems. Surprisingly very good at that.

Now granted, these won't be the hottest wings you'll meet in your journey, and even the sauce you gain access to after going through what apparently is a required process of secret handshakes is less than teeth-kicking. But it is good. So so good.

This is a chipotle sauce, creamy with just a bit of smoke to it, served over some well cooked drumettes. The chicken passes the teeth-pull test easily; we're talking meat with a bit of bite yet perfect tenderness. No sogginess to be seen.

Yet the flavor of the sauce, that's what it's all about. I am guessing actual cream was involved in the process here -- others have speculated that it was cheese -- and this tastes like an actual sauce as opposed to something thick that mainly exists to give the chicken a bit of a kick. It's a sauce with depth and nuances

That in itself means I'd order the wings not just for the purpose of eating wings but for actually eating food. Wing connoisseurs will know there's a difference.

Waddell's, then, might not have the spiciest wings out there, but damn if they're not among the tastiest.