It's a little bit Veronica Mars, a little bit Twin Peaks, and about as addictive as crack-cocaine. I'm talking, of course, about ABC Family's murder mystery, Pretty Little Liars.
A roller coaster of a show it is, and what better way to enjoy it than by partaking in a drinking game?
Take a drink...
... whenever somebody tells a lie.
... an actor who used to star on Melrose Place shows up. (That'll almost guarantee you two shots per episode, through Laura Leighton and Chad Lowe.)
... whenever "A" sends a text message.
... whenever a song by The Pierces is played. (Guaranteed to happen once, during the intro sequence.)
... an actor portraying a high-school student clearly is older than the character he or she is playing.
... for every inappropriate relationship scene. (Student/teacher, etc.)
... whenever you wonder when ABC Family became so edgy. (Teachers hooking up with students?! Girl on girl make-out scenes?! People are murdered on ABC Family?!)
... for every Twin Peaks reference. (FBI Agent Cooper, etc.)
... whenever the girls discover they suspected the wrong person of being "A". Take an additional shot if you thought the suspect was "A" too.
... whenever "A" (seemingly) helps the girl.
... for every fake TV clone of Facebook, Twitter, etc. shown on screen.
Two seasons are available for streaming on Netflix, with season three is currently airing on TV. Make tonight a Pretty Little Liars night!