The meat bracket results!


In like a lion, out like a lamb…

Yes, we had grand plans for our meat bracket contest, and then kind of just forgot about it. Whoops! Anyway, 13 of you participated, and instead of wasting time, let’s just have a look at the winners:

  1. Beef Steak (3)

  2. Lamb (2)

  3. Salmon (2)

  4. Rabbit (1)

  5. Prosciutto (1)

  6. Sausage (1)

  7. Veal (1)

  8. Ground Beef (1)

  9. Pulled Pork (1)

The classic beef steak is the winner! Not too shocking; beef is certainly a versatile dish and. when done properly, it’s pretty dang tasty. My personal pick was lamb, and I was surprised to see veal and pulled pork making it all the way through. Not surprised in a bad way, just surprised.

So yeah. The winner then? I have no idea how we should pick one, but am open to suggestions.