There's giving it all, and there's giving it 110%. In terms of making us sweat, the Globe falls proudly in the latter category.
Here we ordered three sets of wings: one with peanut sauce and two Afterburners. When the order came out, it only included one of the Afterburners so we could sample and the next batch could be adjusted accordingly. This we like, and obviously told the chef to do his best. Or worst.
Now it should be pointed out that the "default" Afterburner is plenty hot with its ghost peppers and all, but when the chef came out from the kitchen sweating, that's when you know you have something special going.
And special it was, in that mouth burning kind of way. It's hard to gauge exactly what has been the hottest wing so far during this journey, but the Afterburner is definitely a contender. Yet it kept its flavor quite well; the sauce actually had a nice sweetness to it, and the burning was mostly felt after swallowing. Hence the name, I suppose.
The chicken itself was pretty good, though it got a bit soggy under the sauce, and the crunch and pull-with-teeth experience we hoped for did not happen. That's too bad. A bit less soggy and these wings could have been a contender.
The peanut sauce wings were similar in that sense, though not very spicy at all. That's OK, really, and they worked soothingly after the Afterburner.
The Globe should be on any hot wing hunter's list. There are many other sauces to choose from, and things can heat up here quickly. That's definitely a good thing.