TEO on the iPhone


We’re all about the iPhone here at SFB, and what better way to show our love than launching an iPhone web app for Taste Everything Once? While only a test version so far—in other words, the step before beta—it’s fully functioning, and includes two features thus far:

  1. Find Near-By Restaurants: Click this, and you will get a list of all restaurants within approximately one mile radius of you.

  2. Browse Alphabetical List: Simply all the restaurants in the database, listed alphabetically.

Click a restaurant in the list, and a small info screen with the ratings for the spot will come up. Click the phone number to dial it and click the address to map it in the “Maps” app.

You can view the app in Safari on your iPhone, but it’s probably easier to add it as an application for your Home Screen. Just go to the link above, and follow these simple steps:


This way it’ll open as an app as opposed to in Safari.

As this is a “test” version, there are some bugs, and plenty of features are upcoming, Like:

  1. I’m feeling lucky! Will show a positively reviewed restaurant close to you by random.

  2. Twitter! Full #spoeats integration.

  3. Local food blogs! All the latest happenings within the application.

... and more. In fact, if you have any iPhone TEO requests, post them in the comments.

For now, though, go visit and add it to your Home Screen!