Our tongues might be firmly in cheek a lot of the time here at SpoCOOL, but there are those things we take seriously. One of them is cystic fibrosis (CF for short), and with this we'd like to announce our Cystic Fibrosis Foundation fund-drive, where our goal is to raise $2,500 for the foundation by November 6th.
For those not familiar with CF, it is a genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. It causes progressive disability and often early death, and more than ten million Americans are symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene. The median predicted age of survival for a person with CF is mid-30s; when the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation started in 1955, it was elementary school age.
While advances have been made in finding a cure, much more needs to be done, and therefore we are throwing our support behind the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. And how do we plan on raising the money? By throwing some awesome events of course!
First we have the SpoBREWing for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation brew-off. Details are forthcoming, but the event has been set for October 8th. Four brewers have already signed up for this charity-centric brewing event, and we're looking for four more. If you're interested in homebrewing for a good cause, send an e-mail to team@spocool.com.
More information about location and how you can be a spectator and beer taster will be coming up soon. And remember: As cool as the original SpoBREW was, we are planning on taking this one a step further!
For now, please consider making a donation through our Cystic Fibrosis Foundation donation site, or just learn a bit more about the disease.
And stay tuned, not just for more SpoBREW information, but for some other events we will be hosting around town to support this cause.