Update: Open registration is closed for now -- show up for May 17th in your most dapper red, white, and blue uniform to fight to the death for a chance to claim the final spot.
You smell that? That's the scent of the remnants of #SpoBREW, last year's homebrewing event which spawned the follow-up charity brew-off, SpoBREWING for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We might have called the latter #SpoBREW2, but really, it was more #SpoBREW1.5. How do we know? Because, holy crap, mark your calendars, #SpoBREW2 is happening on August 25th!
So what all will go down? Well, most nothing but the date is set in stone, but we already have nine teams signed up after yesterday's pre-announcement. Seeing that we want to keep the number of contestants relatively low, we urge you to sign up right now, if you have any interest in competing. Send a mail to team@spocool.com and we'll add you to the list as long as there is space.
But where will the event be held? Will there be a beer-art contest this year? How will this all work? Etc.?!
These are all good questions, and while we have most of the answers somewhere in the back of our minds, we will have a #SpoBREW2 planning meeting on Thursday, May 17th, 6:30pm, at Jones Radiator. Stop by, and we'll see if we can't make some plans in the type of harmonious unity where we reserve the right to have a despot-style final say.
And yes, May 17th is Norway's Constitution Day, so we will celebrate that too. It's a win-win meet-up. Preferential treatment will be given to those who dress as Norwegian as possible, preferably in red, white, and blue.
So to sum up:
E-mail team@spocool.com right now if you want to brew in the contest.
Show up at Jones Radiator on May 17th, 6:30pm, if you'd like to help plan some contest details.
Have your beer ready for August 25th, when #SpoBREW2 goes down.
#SpoBREW2: This time it's personal.