Winter might be coming toward an end, but there are still plenty of winter ales out there, all of which you probably want to sample. Unless we sample them for you, and give them thumbs down.
10 Degrees Below is one you probably should try. It might not be amazing, but it's good, and more than qualifies as a winter warmer at 7.4% ABV.
It pours a nice dark brown color with a fairly thick head, just shy of a finger. Nose is malty with some hints of spices and citrus. Fairly standard for a winter warmer, and the flavor also has a bit of molasses going on. Mouthfeel is on the south side of medium, which is a bit disappointing.
This isn't a great beer. It's good. I'd drink it again. I'd even recommend it, maybe not in a six-pack, but as a single bottle purchase. Good stuff, just not amazing.