Redhook Winterhook 2012


Our somewhat fragile relationship with Redhook and its Winterhook continues. Last year they managed to produce something a bit better than average, and this year...

I mean, I wish I had made tasting notes, not because there is so much going on here, or because this is so awful. It's just so, so, so average. Of course, average isn't something you should necessarily avoid, but odds are Winterhook will bore you, and I have a hard time seeing it becoming a 2012 go-to winter warmer for many.

So what do we have here? A perfectly pretty beer; deep, dark brown with a generous head. Sniff, and you'll be greeted by toasted malts and cloves, with some touches of sweetness sneaking right past you.

And that's about it. Even as far as the flavors go, seeing they mirror the nose almost perfectly. The aforementioned notes are all there, and that is all they are: Notes. This is just a dull version of last year's edition, with a body that feels even lighter, probably because of the lack of flavors.

Why Redhook decided to mute the beer I do not know, but it was an unnecessary step to take.

Will I drink Winterhook again? Sure. I have five left from my six pack after all, and it's not like I'm going to pour them out. Maybe a bit of aging will improve them or maybe it's better on tap? I somehow doubt either will make much of a difference, and our confused relationship with Redhook will keep going the way it has over the past few years.