Pullman might not be the most exciting spot on the planet for anybody not in college anymore. Should you find your way there, though, you could definitely find worse things to do than kicking it back with a Palouse Falls Brewing Company ale at Rico's.
I gave the Kamiak IPA a shot, and a surprisingly good beer it was. It poured a copper red color with a nice thick one finger head, and laced the glass just fine. The nose had some sweetness to it alongside the more predictable hops.
A taste quickly revealed a surprising maltiness. The hops were there, definitely, but the maltiness kind of made the overall mouthfeel a bit lighter that I had initially expected. This is not something I consider a bad thing; I could see Kamiak being an excellent summer IPA. I found it to be very drinkable at least.
I'm not sure where to find Palouse Falls brews in Spokane. Northern Lights used to have one handle, but I'm not sure if that's still the case.
Should you find yourself down in the Pullman area, there are definitely worse things to drink than the Kamiak.