Notes from all over, beer edition


The Inlander reports Viking Tavern has closed down. That's too bad, obviously, but we suppose the Viking isn't the craft beer destination it once was, with a new generation of places taking its place. Most of them even have windows.

In Opposite Land, the Spokesman tells us Iron Goat's taproom has opened to the public. Its beers has been rather fondly embraced by most, so make sure to check them out.

Liquor License Stalker reveals Ramblin' Road Craft Brewery will be opening at 730 N Columbus. We'r not quite sure how their backstory went -- they were apparently once located in some shape or form on the west side -- but you can like them on Facebook.

And hey, just for good measure -- sign up is still going for #SpoBREW2ART. Release your inner artists, all over beer... Or something...