I would like to say fall is in the air, but, let's face it, that'd be a lie. That hasn't stopped breweries from releasing their fall seasonals, and New Belgium's Red Hoptober is right up there as one of our favorites so far. This is a well balanced red, as the name suggests, and it's the perfect sipper for sitting outside, pretending there's a chill in the air.
It pours a dark red -- I know, right?! -- with a frothy head and generous lacing. A very nice, fall looking sight it is. Give it a whiff and you'll pick up on malts straight off, followed by some gentle whispers of hops. A bit of fruitiness is apparent toward the back.
eaThe Red Hoptober truly is a well balanced beer, something you'll notice from the first sip. The hops hit a bit harder than the nose would suggest, but the malts are right there to let you know everything will be OK. They play off each other, one never dominating the other, and the sweet, smooth finish makes this a very drinkable beer.
It measures in at 6% ABV: low enough to make it a session beer, high enough to give it a backbone.
I really enjoyed Red Hoptober. As far as a six pack beer goes, it's nigh perfect. The somewhat sad part is it'd probably be even better with real Autumn like weather outside. Maybe Kent Brockman was right.
Either way, go grab a Red Hoptober. It's good stuff.