Here at Team SpoCOOL we do some occasional homebrewing, and thus visits to Jim's are a must. I mean, really, they do have a monopoly, so what can you do?
It's all good though, and if a store could ever label itself as a "one stop shop" for homebrewers, Jim's could. Here you'll find everything. Literally. Brewing equipment, hops and malts, bottles, caps, kits, recipes... They got it all. And despite a (admittedly sort of deserved, but more in a cuddly way) reputation of snobbery, they're always helpful and have good suggestions to enhance your brewing experience.
In fact, you don't have to be an expert to get going with homebrewing here either. Have a look in their recipe book, find one you like, and they'll put together a package of all you need. There's no reason to wander around the store trying to figure everything out, unless that's what you feel like doing.
Of course, there's more than homebrewing equipment here. Wine makers can find a large selection also. Plus they have an excellent selection of beer, admittedly priced a bit higher than some places.
We like Jim's. Homebrewing can be a complex process, but they make it easier with their straightforward recipes and good service. Plus you can always just go there for the already bottled beer.