Ask any self-respecting Spokanite -- which in this case is a synonym for self-aware -- and they will tell you Ginger Asian Bistro is the best place for sushi in Spokane. We rarely trust any self-respecting Spokanite as they more often than not are wrong. In fact, we tend to more follow the self-loathing type, but I digress...
Obviously we did give the place a shot -- I mean, would I be writing this post otherwise? -- and you know? I don't know if the self-respecting Spokanite was completely correct, but that doesn't stop Ginger from holding its own. This is not a bad spot at all.
The rolls we tried were all tasty enough. The “Black Jack Roll”, for example, was topped with a nice, spicy ginger sauce. The tuna tasted fresh enough, but the temperature of it would suggest it was just out of the freezer. That's fair, as we'll obviously never have fresh tuna here, but it could have stood being warmed up just a bit longer.
More of a surprise was the avocado roll. I mean, avocado and rice? There shouldn't be anything particularly special about it, yet it had a surprisingly fresh flavor to it. I have no idea if Ginger has a special talent for picking out avocados, but hell... We were impressed.
Interior wise, the spot has a good vibe. The Mao on the wall is pretty awesome, and the bar is a good place to sit.
So the rolls are good -- if not overly creative -- and the service is friendly. It's a good space in general. There's absolutely nothing downright wrong with Ginger, and plenty of things are right. Most things are, even. In that sense, maybe the self-respecting Spokanite was close to hitting the nail on the head this time?
Ginger might not be Spokane's best sushi spot, but it's still very good. We'd go again.