We tried out Forza Coffee Company because the line a Black Tie was too long. The lesson learned here is that patience is a virtue, and those who don't have it get bad coffee.
Forza could probably compete with Starbucks when it comes to brewing forgettable coffee. What possibly makes the Tacoma based mini-chain worse, however, is that they're really trying. I mean, honestly, I think Starbucks stopped a while back. They have about 72 million franchised locations out there, so why even pretend like they make good coffee? 15th Avenue Coffee & Tea aside, there aren't many more places to go.
Forza, meanwhile, hasn't given up. They really really really want to be your neighborhood Italian coffee shop. And bless them for that. It doesn't work too well, though, when their Americanos just taste like burnt beans. There's no depth, there's no nuttiness, there's really little of anything. Just espresso that seemed to have been brewed amazingly quickly. That's not a good thing.
So why bother?
Black Tie is just across the street. Various outlets serving Doma are within a one mile radius. I'm sure there must be a Thomas Hammer not too far away. Forza just isn't worth it.