Deschutes Twilight Summer Ale 2013


Deschutes Twilight Summer Ale 2013 cover

Is it just me, or is Deschutes's calendar somewhat off? I mean, Jubelale is typically released in September and available through February, when, apparently, spring starts with Red Chair. Come May, and summer hits with Twilight which, fair enough, does seem appropriate. Maybe Deschutes should introduce an autumn beer just to get back in line with the rest of us?


These seasonal ales tend to be very similar every year, with just minor flavor profile adjustments. I didn't particularly care for the '11 edition, and though the '12 edition fared better, it was still a bit dull and forgettable.

This year you won't see anything super exciting either. Granted, a summer blonde isn't supposed to be too exciting, I guess, and fair is far: the '13 is somewhat superior to the previous years. There really is nothing downright wrong with it, and it's a refreshing beer. 

A slightly hazy golden color greets you, while a crisp white head laces the glass well. The citric nose is backed by a subtle malty backbone, with a hint of hops thrown in for good measure.

Flavorwise? It's fine. Traces of orange dominates a noticeable yeastiness. The malts are there alongside the hops, and it's all good and dandy. I still don't really love the mouthfeel. It's a bit thin and almost overshadowed by a fairly extreme carbonation. And...

Look, I get it. It's a summer blonde. It's not designed to knock your socks off. It's probably my problem wanting the beer to be something it isn't. 

I can't help to wonder if blondes in general are a bit too far on the light side, even for summer ales. So far I'd much prefer sipping No-Li's Mosaic or Elysian's Superfuzz; both pales and both better than Twilight.