Deschutes tasting at Bottles, the aftermath


If you missed out on the Deschutes tasting at Bottles last night, then, well, you certainly missed out.

(Never mind that we gave you the wrong time… It was 5-7pm, not 6-8pm. We maintain we were given the wrong time. Or that we were given the time after a few too many sips at their wine tasting. Either way.)

Anyway! The beers sampled should be familiar to most, but for a quick walkthrough…

  • Jubelale! A good, but not great entry into the Jubelale line of seasonals. They also handed out some really cool (and well produced) Jubelale posters.

  • Mirror Mirror! The barleywine based on Mirror Pond. Always a fun one.

  • Black Butte XXI! My personal favorite is the Black Butte Porter on Crack. (Its official name.)

  • The Abyss! The legendary Deschutes reserve.

Bottles probably still have some bottles left, so run pick some up. And remember, each bottle has a “Best After” print on them. In other words, store them like you’d store a wine.