The one arena I find Big Sky doing very well in is the seasonal/limited release one. I'm sure they do well in others too, but as far as my personal preference goes, that's the one that sticks out for me.
Their Heavy Horse is a good example of a Big Sky limited release. It's a relatively strong 6.7% ABV Scotch ale, one which is refreshing, yet with a bit of depth to it.
It pours a dark amber with a lightly tanned head, about a finger's worth. Give it a whiff, and you'll be smacked on the nose by the malts, followed by the caress of a gentle, sweet caramel scent. It's not a scent-bomb, really, but the nose is balanced.
Flavor-wise this is very drinkable. The light, creamy mouthfeel gives off flavor of malts and chocolate over a sweet base. Much like the nose, this is not a flavor-bomb, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Heavy Horse is one of those ales that beer nerds and those just getting into the stuff can enjoy. It's refreshing, yet nicely textured.
Go grab a six-pack of Heavy Horse -- it might just make for a good porch type ale, should the weather permit it. You can find it at these fine locations.