This is a raw foods recipe (which is also gluten free and vegan) and is sure to please anyone without a nut allergy. It might sound a bit strange but I encourage you to try this easy recipe during the holidays.
Judy’s Raw Foods Cake
adapted from Ani Phyo’s Chocolate Raspberry Ganache Cake Recipe
3 cups walnuts
2/3 cup cacao powder
1 cup dates (pitted)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup raspberries
In a food processor mix walnuts and cocoa powder. Then add dates and salt and blend again. Mush all the ingredients together and break into two sections. Line a pan (any shape about 8×8) with plastic wrap. Place one 1/2 of cake mixture in the bottom of the pan. Add a layer of mushed raspberries. Then take the second layer of cake mixture and form it on top of the raspberries. Set aside to add frosting.
1/3 cup dates (pitted)
1/4 agave syrup
1/3 cup cacoa powder
1 avocado
Mix the dates and agave in a food processor, then add the cocoa power and finally the avocado. Frost your cake with the mixture and add whole raspberries in a decorative pattern to the top of the cake.
Walnuts can be replaces with pecans or cashews. Raspberries can be replaced with any berry.
Need more instructions, just watch Ani make this cake on The View From the Bay.