Notes from all over, things to do over the next few days edition


Hey, a bunch of things are happening over the next few days, most of them good, but also one that could make some of you a little :~(. We give you…

«Goatörhead»! Iron Goat has teamed up with Ninkasi -- hitting the big time! -- to create a triple IPA. Again: «Goatörhead». The name itself makes it a worthwhile beer.

If you want to give it a test, you can do so at Jones Radiator, tonight, 7:30pm.

On the less than awesome side of things, Crazy G's is closing its doors. Your last chance to check them out will be this Saturday.

And tomorrow is, of course, the start of the Inlander Restaurant Week, or, as we like to call it, Inlander Restaurant Ten Days. It works pretty much like it did last year -- a bunch of restaurants offering up two three-course menus, priced at $18 and $28.

Check out their website for more info.

Finally, Nudo -- set to open downtown next to Fire -- is one step closer to becoming reality. It has a full liquor license submitted, for all your libation needs.