We've talked a lot about Rocket in the past and wholeheartedly agreed with those who voted it the best market in Spokane. That's not going to stop us from talking more about it, because the upscale grocery store disguised as a gas station deserves any attention it can get.
It's all about the use of space. OK, maybe not all, but the layout really is pretty nice. In a tiny locale the shelves are put up in an easy to walk-and-browse manner. The Fred Meyers of the world might have produce sections bigger than Rocket's entire space, yet Rocket's vegetable and fruit selection is laid out for quick pick and grabs. Have you ever tried finding a shallot at Fred Meyer? Their layout is designed to make you search. Of course, the selection at Rocket is a whole lot fresher too, but that kind of goes without saying.
The beer and wine selection, too, is stellar, up there with the best in town. Kind of amusing is seeing PBR hidden away below the bottom shelves, kind of like a place of shame. I'm not sure if Main Market is trying to appeal to hiptivists by proudly displaying that particular brand of beer, but its spot in that store is a source of annoyance for me. Buying PBR at Rocket is kind of like being a 14 year old buying Playboy: I'm guessing both would lose their guts half way to the check-out.
The small but excellent deli case is also worth checking out, as, of course, are the baked goods which are lethal. In a good way.
Rocket Market isn't just the best gas station in town, it really is the best market. Huckleberry's is a close second, definitely, but Rocket still stands firm. Of course, you already know this, but consider this your notice if you haven't gone there in a while.