Maui Brewing CoCoNut Porter


Maui Brewing CoCoNut Porter  cover

Well, tie me down and call me a fan.

It seems like someone should have thought of this before. Mixing coconut and porter? Something like that simply has to work. It's in the law of nature! (Look it up.)

It pours dark -- shocking, I know -- with about a finger worth of thick head. The lacing retains pretty well. This is a nice aromatic beer: Chocolates and possibly coffee meet your nose straight from the pour.

The surprise, to me at least, came in the flavor. It might be the coconut that gives off strong hints of smokiness, but really, I hadn't expected it. Not that it sits heavy or anything -- there's more of a creamy chocolate flavor to it -- but it's definitely there. There's a mild hoppy flavor at the end of the flavor too.

This might not be the most crazy complex porter out there, but as far as a refreshing porter, I can't think of many that would compete with the CoCoNut Porter. Seeing how it's really quite warm outside, I'd say that's a good thing.

Run out and try one at The Lantern or get a can from Rocket. Unless you're one of those anti-consumer Gen Y-ers of course.