What to do this Halloween


Halloween might be a favorite to some, or even many of us, and those of us who do like it might not be particularly into crawling around with drunk-off-their-asses dochebags in costumes.

Therefore we propose something a bit more low key, something taking place in one building which is also all about being local.

First: Hit Saranac. It's a great spot to grab some food -- their new linguisa sausage plate sounds excellent -- and a beer to go with the current fall weather.

Then: Hit the Magic Lantern for their $7 triple Halloween feature: Trollhunter, a Norwegian mockumentary about (you guessed it) hunters of trolls, starts at 6pm, and is followed by Tucker & Dale vs Evil at 8pm. These will be followed by a surprise classic horror movie.

Make this halloween a Saranac building halloween!