Notes from all over, openings and Kickstarting edition


As we mentioned on Twitter a few days back (and as mentioned in their newsletter), Santé is Kickstarting their trip to the James Beard House. This is all about funding what you'd expect: getting the Santé team to New York City where they will set up the dinner for eighty people. They've currently reached $3,310 of their $10,000 goal, so what better time to start pledging?! There are plenty of good perks for you, and this is certainly a good way for Spokane's dining scene to get its name out there. So stop reading this, run and pledge instead!.

Remember how a Taaj was opening in some crazy part of the Valley? That was apparently an erroneously entered address, and the actual location will be -- surprise, surprise -- where a million other Taajs have been before it: 128 W 3rd. Hey, maybe it'll work out this time. They have changed the name to The Great Taaj after all.

Perry Street Brewing Company has another liquor license application in, this time with the correct address. 1025 S Perry it is. Looks like a good spot.