Notes from all over, liquor license stalking edition


It has been a slow few months as far as new spots is concerned, and, well... That really hasn't changed, at least as far as what the liquor licenses reveal. With that said, a couple of things of interest seems to be happening, like...

The oft-rumored Perry Street Brewing Company has an application in, which means we're one step closer to another Spokane brewery opening its doors. After all those years with, what? One or two of them? What's happening here? Anyway, we're sure it'll be a welcome addition, and something we count as excellent news.

Maggie's South Hill Grill is apparently changing names to Maggie's Grill, and, with the new applicants, it looks like ownership is changing too.

From the "lost in translation" or possibly "lost in cultural differences" department -- or so we hope -- we have Hung The Tran opening on Francis, which... Well, we'll just leave that one alone.