Best of Spokane 2010: Have your say


They had their say, and you clearly didn't agree. Hey, we sympathize, and now it's your time to decide what is and isn't the Best of Spokane!

There are some differences from the same ol', however.

First, we have with your help picked the entries for you to choose from. Second, you won't actually be choosing as such, you will be scoring. This because we think it's possible to have multiple favorites: Just because you choose Mizuna doesn't mean Agave shouldn't get any love! In that sense we figured scores would be a bit less arbitrary than just picking your one favorite.

Voting, then, is simple. Choose a score from one to six, or choose "N/A" if you haven't visited the establishment. Only one entry is allowed per person. You identify yourself by your e-mail address; don't worry, it will not be published anywhere.

That's it! The results will be published here some time next week, and may also be used in one of our little side-projects. Make your voice hear; vote, damn it!