6pack Saddlebag

#SpoCOOL – Spokane –

Most of you should remember LK Studios' 6pack Saddlebag, the six-pack saddlebag (no, really) that was introduced at SpoBREW. A lot of bicyclist took note, as this clearly is the best and most practical way to bring beer on your two-wheel outings.

Word has reached us that the product is now out of its prototype stage, and production of the first batch will start next week.

For those who still haven't ordered their's -- and really, why haven't you? -- and need a quick intro to the product, the saddlebag will hold six beers and comes complete with an attached bottle opener. Witness for yourself...

... and color us impressed. The price hasn't been set yet, but it will not go above $45 plus shipping. (Or just pick it up in Spokane to avoid shipping charges.)

We like smart and fun industrial design here at Team SpoCOOL, and we also like beer, so consider us 100% behind the 6pack Saddlebag. As you should be too. Visit LK Studios' site to get in on the fun.